onsdag, december 15, 2010

Leica S1

In 1996, Deep Blue defeated chess grand-master Garry Kasparov for the first time, Dolly the cloned sheep was born, and digital cameras were still out of the reach of most consumers. This was also the year that Leica released its first digital scanning back, the S1. This bad boy was designed for the company's 35mm R-series lenses (with lens mounts for a number of other manufacturer's optics) and captured 1.4-inch square images. And what did you get for your $21,500? A camera that operated at ISO 50 and produced 48-bit (151Mb) image files with "little if any of the artifacting, blooming, and fringing that continue to plague us to this very day," according to B&H. And as one would expect from Leica, it has a design that inspires significant gadget lust. Hit the source link for plenty more photos.


fredag, december 10, 2010

Website makeover

We just update Photopop's website!
It has gotten a brand new interface and everything has been simplified. Clean and simple! But the biggest change is that it is customized for iPad and iPhone viewing! Now you can easily flick through the galleries in the best iOS maner!


- Posted from my iPad


onsdag, december 08, 2010

Santa wants an iPad

Found Santa shopping for a iPad in Storcenter Nord! Something The alfs can't make i quess!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


onsdag, november 24, 2010

X-Bus campaign

The new XBus campaign is out...
Chris Hvidberg, art director at Envision chose Photopop as a creative partner on this assignment and we must say that we are most proud and pleased with the outcome.

Link to gallery

mandag, november 08, 2010

fredag, oktober 15, 2010


My latest hobby is painting words with my iPad. By making a kind of "cat scan" of the words and playing the images as a sequence i am able to pull the words out of the iPad... kinda cool..!
We are working on a animated version so stay tuned...


fredag, september 24, 2010

We are doing a Major Update..

Right now we are in the process of doing a major update of our website with new galleries, videos and Behind The Scene material. Keep a close eye on the site during these days to se what we have been up to during the summer. Four new Aagaard galleries, Winter, Diamonds, Wedding and Mens Jewelry, Puma, Mannü. There will also be a both still and video with behind the scenes. Nytsyn look #4 and #5 will also be uploaded soon together with X-Bus, Føtex streetcasting, Carlottas Village, Lego and other jobs that are waiting to be released.

onsdag, juni 30, 2010

Zeiss ZE lenses

Our videos are now shot on the Zeiss ZE prime lenses

-Posted from my iPad

Location:Katrinebjergvej,Aarhus Municipality,Denmark

fredag, juni 18, 2010

Daylight Studio

We have now made it possible to shoot on white backdrop with daylight conditions.
No matter how much you try to create daylight in studio it will never be the same as actual daylight. Our backdrop is facing north so it wont get struck by sunlight, which gives that amazing smooth light...
I might add that the images are taken straight from the camera and have not been retouched, so as you see there are now shadows at all.

tirsdag, juni 01, 2010

Shooting in the Rocky's

We have just got back from a photo shoot in Marble, colorado for Aagaard. the trip was a big success, the Rocky Mountains are a brilliant winter location, specially if you need to find winter in late may and with our local location scout and production man Gary Hubbell we where able to shoot in some hard to find places and with amazing props. We want to give Gary a huge thumbs up for all the good work and for making things happen on the set. There is no doubt that this is not the last time we shoot in the Rocky's!!

- Posted from my iPad

Location:Marstrandsgade,Aarhus Municipality,Denmark

onsdag, maj 19, 2010

ready, Steady, Shoot...

we finally received the new HandySlr rig so now we are ready to go. from 21-28 of may we will be in Colorado shooting Aagaards winter catalog and TV commercial. we will of course blog from the tour ...

Posted by ShoZu

torsdag, maj 13, 2010

DSLR Shoulder Rig

Since we started shooting video our focus has been on finding the right gear to work with in order to make your work more professional and easier. The latest product in our gear lineup is this shoulder rig from Handyfilmtools. It is an light weight rig with a lot of possibilities for mounting peripherals to is such as a monitor, follow focus and sound sources.


torsdag, maj 06, 2010

Brand New Website!

Photopop just released a new website and this is without a doubt the best one yet and we just love the new video player..
If you plan on visiting the site from time to time we recommend that you drop by the Portfolio section because this is where we post new material, that way you don´t have to remember what you have all ready checked you and what not.


mandag, maj 03, 2010


Ib&co asked us to develope a visual style for their new iPaper, the theme they wanted was a fairy tail look that would fit the big meadows that surrounds them. One of the goals we had set us was to give the images a curtain monotone character so that all the black and white graphic elements would blend in easily. The green tone we picked really compliments the nature elements and the rich clouded sky that brings in the dramatic feel in the images. We really feel that we accomplished what we set out to do.


mandag, april 26, 2010

new studio

please notice that we have moved to a new studio and our new adresse is Katrinebjergvej 93a, 8200 Århus N

Posted by ShoZu

fredag, april 23, 2010

3D with 7D

Aarhuskontoret gave us the challenge to shoot portraits in 3D. But before we could start shooting we had to solve some technical issues since there is no digital 3D still cameras out there worth mentioning. We found the swedish company Syndicate that had built a prototype rig for the Canon 7D and then we turned to Canon Denmark that lend us two 7D cameras.

Posted by ShoZu

drive by shooting

weapon of choice: iPhone

Posted by ShoZu

Off Road'in

out in the wilderness hunting and shooting the perfect image...

Posted by ShoZu