mandag, april 26, 2010

new studio

please notice that we have moved to a new studio and our new adresse is Katrinebjergvej 93a, 8200 Århus N

Posted by ShoZu

fredag, april 23, 2010

3D with 7D

Aarhuskontoret gave us the challenge to shoot portraits in 3D. But before we could start shooting we had to solve some technical issues since there is no digital 3D still cameras out there worth mentioning. We found the swedish company Syndicate that had built a prototype rig for the Canon 7D and then we turned to Canon Denmark that lend us two 7D cameras.

Posted by ShoZu

drive by shooting

weapon of choice: iPhone

Posted by ShoZu

Off Road'in

out in the wilderness hunting and shooting the perfect image...

Posted by ShoZu